This addOn requires Video Reel For WordPress to be installed first!
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Using Statistics addOn for Modern Video Reel For WordPress you can track video statistics for your Reels.
Features and options:
- Track video statistics for individual Reels
- Display statistics per day, week, month, all time
- Display top plays
- Display top downloads
- Display top finished playing
- Display top plays per country
- Display statistics per WordPress user
- Display statistics per playlist
- Export statistics to CSV
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.25 [19.10.2024]
- [UPDATE] admin cleanup
VERSION 1.2 [12.7.2024]
- [UPDATE] add video url, poster, page url in statistics fields
VERSION 1.11 [20.6.2024]
- [FIX] world map clear on playlist change
VERSION 1.1 [19.6.2024]
- [ADD] world map for statistics country play
VERSION 1.01 [14.6.2024]
- [UPDATE] more precise video total play time statistics
VERSION 1.0 [28.5.2024]
- first release
keywords: reel, video reel, wall, showreel, sizzle, demo reel, statistics
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