This addOn requires Modern Video Reel for WordPress to be installed first!
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Using Live Streaming AddOn for Modern Video Reel WordPress plugin, you can display HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming media inside the Reel.
Features and options:
- Display HLS and MPEG DASH live streaming media inside Reel
- Display live streaming media in both vertical and horizontal moving layout
- Reel accepts single link to live streaming media (for example direct link to HLS m3u8 file). This is available in both vertical and horizontal layout
- Reel accepts loading folder of live streaming media (available in vertical layout, each item in folder will become one item in Reel)
- Set custom config settings for live streaming media
- Other options are the same as for single video in Reel (specify poster, title, description, start time, playback rate.. etc)
Updates / Changelog
VERSION 1.05 [19.10.2024]
- [UPDATE] WordPress latest compatibility
VERSION 1.0 [4.7.2024]
- first release
keywords: reel, video, hsl, dash, mpeg, live stream, streaming
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