
This addOn requires Audio player for WordPress to be installed first!

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This is na Addon for Modern Audio player which enables you to tracks audio songs statistics. It integrates with plugin directly and enables detailed statistic reports of top plays, likes, downloads and much more.


  • Track audio statistics data (plays, likes, downloads, finishes)
  • Track statistics per individul playlist
  • Track statistics per WordPress user
  • Works with anonymous shorcodes (no playlist_id)
  • Track top plays daily, weekly, monthls
  • Tracks top plays per country
  • Detailed statistics for each song in current month
  • Export statistics data to CSV

Updates / Changelog

VERSION 1.11 [20.10.2024]

 - [UPDATE] WordPress latest compatibility

VERSION 1.06 [11.10.2024]

 - [FIX] song duration column in table list
 - [FIX] uninstall hook

VERSION 1.05 [7.9.2024]

 - [FIX] play count multiple players

VERSION 1.0 [21.6.2024]

 - first release

audio, statistics, audio player, wordpress audio, plays, likes
